Just incredible work collected here, John. Thank you for doing this.

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Thanks, Nia. It’s already clear that there’s going to be a part two!

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Thank you John for such actions to spare our Earth’s environment this ongoing degradation. I appreciate your efforts tremendously.

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Thank you, Gary

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I really appreciate seeing all this lined out here. I keep tabs on PFAS stuff but your timeline with specifics is really helpful. Also, this is bringing home how many years of progress could be stalled or reversed if we get the wrong administration in November.

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Thank you so much, Rebecca.

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Stay on em!

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Thank you John for your work, your insight and your clarity of expression.

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Thank you, Michelle

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Your water lens is a very good lens. This is such an important issue, and it doesn't get near its share of public attention. Thank you for your service.

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Thank you, Diana!

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Yes, so much is on the ballot in November. It wouldn't take much to be better than Project 2025, but I'm interested - do you actually feel hopeful about Harris/Walz, or just better than the alternative?

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I feel hopeful, but not because I think everything will be fixed from the top down, but because other actors such as federal, state, and county agencies, universities, non-profits, and volunteer activists will be able to continue the work of solving our problems.

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Yes, I hear you on that. Thanks, John!

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Oh boy is it ever near, John! Thanks for asking! My eyes and throat are burning, and debris is falling from the sky, and smoke billowing everywhere. We had to move inside from our tent and turn on our makeshift box fans with Merv filters. Sadly, the fire is roaring directly behind friends' long-term farms and homes on the Duckabush River. They've already evacuated the horses, goats, dogs, mules and so on because the fire is directly behind the houses. Hundreds of firefighters here, and so far not enough food to feed them, so locals are stepping up. Huge aircraft everywhere with buckets and retardant. They expect it to last 7-10 more days, possibly longer. It's five miles from our cabin, so only houses on the Duckabush Road are at risk, not us. At the worst, in event of wildfire on our property, our only escape would be to lower the kayaks into the bay (along with our go-bags holding our indoor cats and somehow getting the dog down the cliff). Then paddle out into the middle of the bay. Water indeed!

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Oh, Kirie, I’m so sorry to hear about your friends. I hope for your sake that it doesn’t move closer to you. This shit’s getting real.

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I can't see the Olympics and I'm smelling smoke. 😕

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Yeah, the smoke suddenly accelerated here again around five last night. The only way around here to know what's going on is the Facebook Brinnon fire chief's page. We're not on FB but my husband rejoined just so we could know what's going on. The fire, now officially called the Mount Jupiter Fire, started on slash on the edge of an immense clearcut, probably an untended campfire as hunters and four-wheelers like to go up there.

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I can see on AirNow that you’re up to unhealthy. We’re still just in the good range.

I hope they get on top of it soon.

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Thank you for concisely capsulating the goings on and not goings on around PFAS. Example of local heroism, if you ask me.

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Thank you, Erin.

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Thank you for your concise "diary" of your actions related to contaminated drinking water on Whidbey and elsewhere. This is terrifying. As you say, this subject is one the ballot this November. Thank you again for your articulate coverage and advocacy.

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Is the 2620 fire near you? Are you OK?

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Thank you, Kirie.

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