Mar 5Liked by John Lovie

Interesting - I did not even know about firefighting foam!

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Ah. It's the big one, at least as far as drinking water goes. PFAS has been phased out of the other main contributors to human exposure and body burden in the general public - food wrappers, to-go boxes, clothing, and carpet stain blockers - but even when it's completely gone from firefighting foam it will be in the groundwater, perhaps for decades.

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Mar 5Liked by John Lovie

And is it on it's way out of firefighting foam? Are there other options?

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Yes. Not phased out completely yet for military, airports, oil refineries, some chemical plants.

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Mar 5Liked by John Lovie

Thanks, John! I'm looking forward to reading each of the stories you linked to in today's post over the next few days.

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